Monday, March 1, 2010

Top 10 reasons why I'm excited for March

I am really excited for this coming month. Here are some reasons why, to name a few:
1) Winter is nearly over
2) School is nearly over
3) I am going to California TWICE in the same month! Once with the ROTC, and once for my cousins wedding.
4) After this week I no longer have to get up at 5:30 AM every week day
5) Flash Forward starts back up with season 2
6) We are getting a big tax refund
7) I finally have some money to go flying again, and the weather is great for it (most days)
8) I will have been married for 4 wonderful months
9) Elder Neuenschwander is coming to speak to the ROTC on the 24th
10) March Madness


Jaci said...

great top 10 list - I'm excited for CA, too!

Crave said...

11) my best friend Spencer's birthday is this month.

mmhamblin said...

So Mom said that you guys signed up for the give a day get a day disneyland thing. You do know that it's over and they aren't giving out anymore tickets right? Just thought I'd let you know in case you hadn't heard.