Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congratulations is in order

Amanda finally got a job!  Woo Hoo!  She applied to work at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC a few weeks ago.  They had over 200 applicants, and only a few positions.  Well she got an interview and rocked it.  The people loved her.  They told her they would make a decision that weekend and let everyone know the beginning of the next week.  Well that happened before we went to CA, so the whole time we were in CA we were worrying about it.  We hadn't heard anything.  The week past, and still nothing.  Well Amanda sent some emails and tried calling, and no responses.  And still another week went by and we didn't hear anything.  So she sent some more emails and made a few more phone calls.  We were kind of starting to get worried, but we kept praying.  And finally today they called her and offered her a position!  We are so excited.  She will start July 26th, and we'll start getting benefits on Sept 1st.  She will be working on the medical unit, which is just a normal floor in the hospital.  However, kids will be sent to her until when they are kind of unstable mentally to become stable before they try out the mental hospital.  So it will be fun for her, she is really excited.


Anna Peterson said...

That's awesome! Congrats indeed!

Crave said...

Word. I just applied to volunteer there today so perhaps I shall run into her while I'm there!

Melissa said...

Congrats! So exciting! Does that mean you can't go to California though?

Anonymous said...

That's just great, no surprise, she will be awesome.