Monday, December 28, 2009


I thought I would be a little accountable for my new years goals for 2009, seeing as how it is rapidly coming to a close.  My goals for 2009 were as follows:

1. Don't drink carbonation- Completed
2. Find someone who I can legitimately kiss new years eve 2010- Completed
3. Don't eat anything past 10 p.m.- Failed Miserably

I haven't given this much though yet, but I here are a few of my 2010 new years resolutions.  I will probably add some as we go.

1. Don't drink carbonation OR sugary drinks (such as fruit punch, juices, etc. Crystal Light is ok cause its sugar free)
2. Get my weight down to 185 by the time I go to Field Training sometime this summer (right now I am fluctuating between 197-200)
3. Boost my GPA back up to at least a 3.5 (as of this last semester it is a 3.35)
4. Run a 10 minute (or faster) mile and a half

I know some of these are lofty goals, but I feel like I can obtain these in a year.  I will try and be accountable, but if you think about it, check up on me to see how I'm doing.  Thanks.