Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good Eye Marc, Good Eye.

It has been a while since I last updated my blog.  Let me update you on my life thus far.  We had to leave our apartment at liberty square on the 23rd, and couldn't move into our new place at the colony until the 28th.  So I went home for those days.  Now I'm all moved into the colony, and we are apartment 420.  Didn't plan that.  So I started a job on monday washing windows again.  This summer I am working with a guy and doing windows for his company.  Its a pretty good gig.  

I also joined a intramural softball team.  I haven't played softball since my days as a priest in the old Holladay 10th.  As I suspected, I haven't improved since then.  I did however get some good encouragement from my team mates like "good eye Marc!"  Its pretty fun.  So far the summer is going pretty good.


Lars said...

good eye indeed, dont forget those jeans. they were epic.